Thursday, 24 August 2017

An Open letter to Gathoni Wa Muchomba

Madam Wa Muchomba I have watched your interview six times so that you know how serious this is.
My favorite movie is the Pirates of the Caribbean series and I have only repeated it four times. A lot of Kenyans voted for you to be in that position. It looks like you have forgotten how many, I will remind you; 924,142 votes, that's what you got.
All these Kenyans from Kiambu County thought that they were voting for a responsible fellow citizen. But, do you know what you did? You straight out annoyed them. It's barely a month since you got your certificate and you are advocating for good pay for what you have achieved and who you are.
For the mere reason of argument, what have you achieved in those few days that you were elected? Kindly tell us. Pride comes before a fall but I think yours came even before you started walking. As a resident of the great Kiambu County, I am ashamed and feel really let down.
The interviewer even tried to reason with you and told you that it was not your salary that was been cut but your allowance, but you couldn't listen to him. Why do you have to be paid extra? To add salt to injury you said that you have to get more money so that you feel good about yourself.
Feel good, really? Just resign and get another job. You are not supposed to feel good; you are supposed to make the people of Kiambu County feel good about where they live by solving their issues.
Kenya is only 54 years old but our legislators earn more than any other in the whole world. We are a striking nation, teachers, nurses, doctors, universities you name it.
You should call a press conference or go back to the station where you made those mundane and unpatriotic comments and ask the people of Kiambu to forgive you.
Lastly, if you don't think you can do this, It is the high time you get yourself rich and fast because clearly you did not get that post with the people in mind, and I don't think you will ever be elected back there. Re-read this letter after five years.